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Recent and upcoming fixtures
Current year fixtures
Fixtures as they are arranged and played for 2024.
Last year's resultss
Results from the 2023 season, when we struggled to find a win.
Ken Block Trophy
Ken Block Trophy
Results from Ken Block Trophy matches, and previous games against Dodgers.
Results back catalogue
2023 Results
2022 Results
2021 Results
2020 Results
2019 Results
2018 Results
2017 Results
2016 Results
2015 Results
2014 Results
2013 Results
2012 Results
2011 Results
2010 Results
2009 Results
2008 Results
2007 Results (partial)
2006 Results
2005 Results
2004 Results
2003 Results
2002 Results
2001 Results
2000 Results
1999 Results
Unfortunately no fixture/results information is available for 1996 to 1998.
1995 Results
1994 Results
1993 Results
1992 Results
1991 Results
1990 Results
1989 Results
1988 Results